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How to refocus your business and drive operational excellence

March 26, 2024
06:28 PM (EST)

In the face of today’s economic uncertainty, businesses have found a way to remain resilient, but detailed insight into the margin preservation of your business is mission critical. This is especially true for manufacturers.

Gaining visibility into what is driving your bottom line and diagnosing areas of margin leakage by truly understanding your customer and product profitability can help you pinpoint actionable initiatives to drive profitable growth going forward. This also helps uncover opportunities to enhance your company’s operational excellence, refining processes to focus on value-add activities.

Our 80/20 Profitability Analytics solution helps unify finance, sales, and operations teams towards a common goal of driving profitable growth—leveraging data to create visibility into a comprehensive single source of truth. We then leverage the data to uncover practical, actionable opportunities to help you refocus your business, optimize your operations, and increase your profit by 10 to 30%. Additionally, our operational excellence framework prioritizes simplicity, helping you surface a smaller list of high-impact tactics that can be implemented quickly to improve your margins with minimal capital investment.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to leverage analytics to enhance business growth and profitability
  • How to reallocate resources from low-value add opportunities to those that are high-value
  • Examples of quick-win solutions that can help improve your manufacturing operations and overall financial performance


Charlotte Zhen, Senior Manager, Strategic Value Creation & Analytics, BDO Canada

Charlie Reid, Director, Operational Improvement, BDO Canada

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